Our services are continually growing as we respond to the individual needs of our care recipients. This is why we need your feedback about how we are attending to your needs. For us to give you the best experience and the highest quality service we need you to tell us what we are doing right and what we can do better. Our commitment is to provide you with the supports and services that you need, but if we don’t know where we might fall short, how can we keep that commitment to you?
We welcome any feedback that can help us improve the service we provide to you.
Different paths you can take if you are unhappy with our service and wish to make a complaint are:
You can also contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: on 1800 951 822 or www.agedcarequality.gov.au
We will give you the time to explain what the problem is and listen to your suggestions about how we can address your concerns.
Sometimes it might take longer than one discussion to resolve an issue. That is why will help you fill out a Complaint Form so that you can make sure we understand and can ensure we address the specifics of your concerns.
With your written complaint to guide us, we can work with you to navigate all the issues, investigate your concerns completely and work out a fair and reasonable solution to the problem.
After completing the written complaint, the process will involve;
If we are not able to resolve your complaint within twenty-one (21) working days, we will let you know how long we believe the process will take and continue to keep you informed as we work to resolve your complaint.
If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved in a way that you had expected, then you can make a complaint to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
Any Care recipient is able to make a complaint to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission about any issue connected with the support or services provided by Aged Care & Medical or any Aged Care Service Provider. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is independent and is there only to protect the interests of people who use the support and services of any Aged Care Service Provider.
Complaints can be made verbally, in writing, or by any other appropriate means, and can be made anonymously. A complaint can also be withdrawn at any time.
If a person makes a complaint, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission will decide upon the appropriate action to take. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission may decide to;